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Reference & Research

Internal Research Checklist

For a detailed description of the research process, consult the Internal Research Guidelines. Here is an abbreviated version to get you thinking about the process.

  • Do you have a clear understanding of the request?

    • Read through the Course Design Guide (CDG) if one was provided. Reach out to Nicole Tassinari if you need further clarification.

  • Do you know the deliverable format?
    • Here are some examples of past research projects.

  • Which databases are appropriate to search for the content?
    • Consider the course level and strive to find the most current information.

Before uploading the final product -

  • Look it over with attention to detail and an eye toward how the requestor will read it.
  • Keep the formatting consistent and user-friendly.
  • Make clear that any comments are yours and not part of the citation or abstract.

When you are finished -

  • Upload the final product to Asana in the correct task area.
  • Be sure to mark the task as complete.
  • Log the time spent in half-hour increments.
  • Input any notes you may have for the PM or ID in the appropriate area.