So, you want to link to a specific article or book within a database. That's great! But first, you'll need to know a bit about OpenAthens.
OpenAthens is how we authenticate our users into many of our subscribed resources. Most of our vendors require authentication, and, in many cases, we are contractually obligated to keep their content secure. So you must take the appropriate steps when linking to our subscribed content.
The methods for creating links vary. Below you will find instructions on how to link to the content in each resource. In general, each resource will contain information on whether we can link to the content (Link to Content) and if you need to append the OpenAthens prefix to the link (Use OpenAthens Prefix), plus any other specifics you need to know.
Please note that we have not covered all possible resources. Resources found freely on the web not listed here can generally be listed as WEB and should use HTTPS links to avoid browser errors for Chrome users.
OpenAthens Prefix (also called the EBSCO widget or OpenAthens widget):
Vendor: University of Chicago Press
Link to Content: Yes
Use OpenAthens Prefix: Yes
OpenAthens Prefix (also called the EBSCO widget or OpenAthens widget):
Special Note: American Journal of Health Economics is a publication and does not have any additional publications. If you want to include this publication as a resource on your page, please add it as a database by clicking Add / Reorder, Database, and American Journal of Health Economics.
To link to specific materials or searches in the American Journal of Health Economics:
Link to Content: Yes
Use OpenAthens Prefix: Yes
OpenAthens Prefix (also called the EBSCO widget or OpenAthens widget):
To link to specific materials or publications in the APA Handbook of Industrial and Organizational Psychology:
To link to searches in APA Handbook of Industrial and Organizational Psychology:
Link to Content: Yes
Use OpenAthens Prefix: No
To link to specific materials or searches in BioMed Central:
Link to Content: Yes
Use OpenAthens Prefix: Yes
OpenAthens Prefix (also called the EBSCO widget or OpenAthens widget):
To link to specific materials or searches in Cabells:
Link to Content: Yes
Use OpenAthens Prefix: No
To link to specific materials, publications, or searches in Credo Reference:
To link to specific materials, publications, or searches in Credo InfoLit:
Content links are available to InfoLit Admins using the Link Constructor. When using the Link Constructor, you can input your OpenAthens prefix so it gets applied to all the individual links, and please be sure to also select Encode URLs as this is required with OpenAthens.
For the Creating a Research Plan video, your specific link with OpenAthens would be:
List of links below.
Vendor: American Psychiatric Association
Link to Content: Yes
Use OpenAthens Prefix: Yes
OpenAthens Prefix (also called the EBSCO widget or OpenAthens widget):
To link to specific materials in DSM Library:
To link to searches in DSM Library:
Link to Content: Yes
Use OpenAthens Prefix: No
To link to specific materials in EBSCOhost databases:
To link to searches in EBSCOhost databases:
Link to Content: No
Use OpenAthens Prefix: No
Special Note: EBSCOLearningExpress/PrepSTEP cannot be deep linked.
Link to Content: Yes
Use OpenAthens Prefix: Yes
OpenAthens Prefix (also called the EBSCO widget or OpenAthens widget):
To link to specific materials, publications, or searches in Emerald:
Vendor: Infobase
Link to Content: Yes
Use OpenAthens Prefix: No
Special Notes: Playlists are not accessible and should not be linked to.
To link to specific materials in Films on Demand:
To link to specific series in Films on Demand:
To link to specific searches in Films on Demand:
Link to Content: Yes*
Use OpenAthens Prefix: No
*Materials from Peterson's Test Prep cannot be linked to.
To link to specific materials, publications, or searches in any of the Gale databases:
Content should not be linked through Google Scholar. Instead, the item should be located in the library and linked to through the appropriate resource.
Link to Content: Yes
Use OpenAthens Prefix: Yes
OpenAthens Prefix (also called the EBSCO widget or OpenAthens widget):
To link to materials, searches, and publications in IBISWorld:
Link to Content: Yes
Use OpenAthens Prefix: Yes
OpenAthens Prefix (also called the EBSCO widget or OpenAthens widget):
To link to materials, searches, and publications in IGI Global:
Vendor: Wiley
Link to Content: Yes
Use OpenAthens Prefix: Yes
OpenAthens Prefix (also called the EBSCO widget or OpenAthens widget):
Special Note: The Journal of Leadership Studies is a publication and does not contain any additional publications. If you want to include this publication as a resource on your page, please add it as a database by clicking Add / Reorder, Database, and Journal of Leadership Studies.
To link to specific materials or searches in the Journal of Leadership Studies:
Link to Content: Yes
Use OpenAthens Prefix: Yes
OpenAthens Prefix (also called the EBSCO widget or OpenAthens widget):
To link to specific materials in JSTOR:
Vendor: Global U
Link to Content: Yes
Use OpenAthens Prefix: Yes
OpenAthens Prefix (also called the EBSCO widget or OpenAthens widget):
Special Note: Materials and searches cannot be linked to in LearnTechLib.
To link to specific publications in LearnTechLib:
Link to Content: Yes (Mergent Online and Mergent Market Atlas only)
Use OpenAthens Prefix: Yes (Mergent Online)
Use Mergent Prefix: Mergent Market Atlas
OpenAthens Prefix (also called the EBSCO widget or OpenAthens widget):
Mergent Prefix:
Special Note: Mergent Intellect, Mergent KBR and Mergent First Research cannot be deep linked.
To link to specific materials or publications in Mergent Online:
To link to specific materials or publications in Mergent Market Atlas:
Link to Content: Yes
Use OpenAthens Prefix: No
To link to specific content in Mind Tools:
Link to Content: Yes
Use OpenAthens Prefix: Yes
OpenAthens Prefix (also called the EBSCO widget or OpenAthens widget):
To link to specific materials or searches in Morningstar:
Vendor: National Bureau of Economic Research
Link to Content: Yes
Use OpenAthens Prefix: Yes
OpenAthens Prefix (also called the EBSCO widget or OpenAthens widget):
To link to specific materials or searches in NBER Working Papers:
Example links from NBER Working Papers:
Link to Content: Yes
Use OpenAthens Prefix: Yes
OpenAthens Prefix (also called the EBSCO widget or OpenAthens widget):
Special Note: Searches cannot be linked to.
To link to specific materials or publications in any Ovid resource:
Link to Content: Yes
Use OpenAthens Prefix: Yes
OpenAthens Prefix (also called the EBSCO widget or OpenAthens widget):
Special Notes:
To link to the content in Oxford Academic and Oxford English Dictionary:
To link to specific materials publications or searches in Oxford Reference:
Materials and searches cannot be linked to in Plunkett Research Online.
Link to Content: Yes
Use OpenAthens Prefix: No
Special Note: These directions are for resources on the ProQuest platform. Many materials on this platform list their database as ProQuest Central. Notable exceptions have been listed above. Searches from any database but the ones listed above should be listed as ProQuest Central.
Link to Content: Yes
Use OpenAthens Prefix: No
To link to videos in Academic Video Online:
To link to specific searches in Academic Video Online:
Link to Content: Yes
Use OpenAthens Prefix: Yes
OpenAthens Prefix (also called the EBSCO widget or OpenAthens widget):
Special Notes:
To link to specific materials in Culturegrams:
Link to Content: Yes
Use OpenAthens Prefix: No
To link to specific materials in Ebook Central:
To link to specific books in Ebook Central:
Link to Content: No
Since we cannot directly link to the content in ProQuest Research Companion, add a database link with instructions.
Link to Content: Yes
Use OpenAthens Prefix: No (Sage Knowledge, Sage Research Methods), Yes, for all the rest.
OpenAthens Prefix (also called the EBSCO widget or OpenAthens widget):
To link to specific materials, publications, or searches from Sage Knowledge:
To link to Sage Skills (Business and Student Success) from Sage Knowledge:
To link to specific materials, publications, or searches from Sage Research Methods:
To link to specific materials, publications, or searches from the other SAGE database:
To link to Videos from SAGE databases (Sage Knowledge videos do not need the prefix added):
Vendor: Elsevier
Link to Content: Yes
Use OpenAthens Prefix: Yes
OpenAthens Prefix (also called the EBSCO widget or OpenAthens widget):
IDs will request content from ClinicalKey for courses in the College of Nursing. This resource should not be used unless specifically requested in the course build (i.e., we should not use it to find replacements or suggestions for courses).
We can only link to this content in ClinicalKey. Note that we cannot link to individual journal articles.
To link to the content in ClinicalKey. Please note that you must be logged in to ClinicalKey to get to the correct Resource Center.
To link to materials, specific searches, and publications in ScienceDirect:
Link to Content: Yes
Use OpenAthens Prefix: Yes
OpenAthens Prefix (also called the EBSCO widget or OpenAthens widget):
To link to specific materials, publications, or searches in any of the Taylor & Francis databases:
Link to Content: Yes
Use OpenAthens Prefix: No
To link to TED Talk videos:
On the TED site:
On YouTube:
Link to Content: Yes
Use OpenAthens Prefix: Yes
OpenAthens Prefix (also called the EBSCO widget or OpenAthens widget):
Special Notes:
To link to specific materials in the UpToDate: