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LibGuides SOP

Getting Started

Designing a guide can be tricky. While not extensive, below are some standards and tips that we generally follow (though all are flexible depending on the needs of your guide).

  • The standard layout we follow is 75/25.
  • Every guide should have an Ask Us box or link (most guides will use the box).
    • The Ask Us box should go in the right-hand column at the top or underneath the image.
    • You should always reuse the Ask Us box found on the Reusable Content page of this guide unless instructed otherwise.
  • Search boxes should be located at the top of the left-hand column.
  • Keep the subpages to a minimum to avoid having two rows of tabs at the top of your page.
  • If you're not sure where to start, start on paper. Drawing out your guide can help you figure out what works and doesn't before building.

Sharing Saves Time!

When you add content, you should always check that what you want to use isn't already being used on another page. If it is, you should reuse the content. Check out Adding and Editing Link Assets (particularly the Reuse an existing asset section) to learn how to do this.

You can also review the Reusable Content page to see what internally created or curated materials and resources we commonly reuse.

Content Dos & Don'ts

Here are some general tips on what to do (and what not to do) when adding content to a page.

  • Be conversational in your tone. The university has adopted a less formal style in its marketing materials, and we want to match this.
  • Use images and videos to make the page engaging. See the Multimedia pages to find out more information on these.

When formatting text on your page:

  • Clear out any Word formatting if copying content from Word into LibGuides. Clearing formatting from Word can be tricky, so if you're not familiar with it or comfortable doing it independently, please ask for help.
  • Fonts and colors are defined at the group level, so they should not be defined on your page.
  • Be selective in using bold, italics, and increased size when emphasizing something in the text. It can be hard to read.
  • Underlines are reserved for links.

Naming Your Guide & Sections

  • Use short and descriptive names for pages.
  • Avoid library jargon (i.e., "databases," not "electronic resources").
  • Use "&" instead of "and."
  • Be as specific as possible (i.e., "statistics" is more meaningful than "additional resources").
  • Avoid naming a page "Other." Instead, try to fit the information into a more specific page.


We should consider currency when reviewing an LRR or website guide selections. Newer materials are generally preferred over older materials, particularly in courses that discuss rapidly evolving topics (technology, nursing practice, etc.).

Pre-Selected or Reusing Previous LRR Materials

If you receive a request with pre-selected LRR materials or you are asked to reuse the same materials from a previous LRR, you should still review the materials for currency. If the items seem old (typically, 2-5 years, depending on the topic), notify the library member managing the request that the materials may need to be reviewed for currency.