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Permission Request Audit SOP

Permission Request Form - ID Entries

  • Did the ID provide a reasonable due date for the request?
    • An average turnaround time is 2-3 days on requests that do not need written permission. However, anything less than 3 days requested by the ID could be noted as unreasonable.
    • Check the Asana task updates for changes.
  • Was the ID's assessment of integral vs. non-integral content accurate? (Check the CDG for any ties to discussion or assignment.)
    • Note: Permission requests are usually submitted prior to the final approval of the CDG. Therefore, a link may not appear in the CDG because it was removed after it was reviewed by the library. If the link is not found in the CDG, the answer will be "Other."
  • Did the ID fill out all the fields without prompting or changes made by library staff?
    • Check the Asana task updates for changes.
  • Was the Permission Database entry found and noted accurately on the request?
    • Check the Asana task updates for changes to this field.
    • If the field is No, check the Permission database to verify.
    • If the field is Yes, click on the link to verify it is the correct database entry.
  • Did the ID communicate in a timely manner?
    • Anything longer than 5 business days will be noted.
    • "Thumbs up" are not dated in Asana and will be considered timely communication.
  • ID Request Form Feedback / Observations / Notes
    • Any selection other than YES should be noted in this field.