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Permission Request Audit SOP


The external website review ("permissions") process involves considering multiple conditions to determine if content on a website can be legally used in UOPX curriculum. Depending on the site's terms of use, the type of material, and its impact on the course, the allowability of using the site can differ from course to course. It can be a copyright choose your own adventure.

While the criteria for evaluating a website can be complex, there are specific guidelines crafted to meet legal requirements, and they must be consistently applied in every review. The purpose of this guide is to establish a process to review completed permission requests to ensure consistent application of the guidelines across reviewers and to identify any training or procedural needs.


Permission audits will be conducted at least every quarter. A survey has been developed in LibWizard that will assist in collecting feedback from reviewers.

Audit Parameters

  • At least three (3) permission requests from each reviewer from the previous quarter (or time period) will be selected to be reviewed.
  • A library manager and/or library operations specialist will select and review the requests.
  • Any staff that responded to at least 3 permission requests will have their responses reviewed.
  • Each permission request will be reviewed in a survey entry.
  • Reviewed requests will be shared with the librarian who completed the initial request in a spreadsheet.