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LibGuides SOP

Deleting Course Guides

We typically delete course guides under the following conditions:

  • The course has been retired by the university.
  • The guide is no longer being used in the course or has been replaced by a newer version.

Please note that there may be other instances where we delete course guides. These should be handled on a case-by-case basis.

To determine if a guide should be deleted:

  1. Check the guide's usage.
  2. Check the Registrar's retired list in the Policies and Procedures Manual.
  3. Check Blackboard to ensure the guide is still not attached to a course.
  4. Check to see if the guide is a duplicate.
  5. Check KIT to see if the course is retired and has no upcoming enrollment dates.

Deleting Assets

We delete assets when no longer used in any guide, indicated with a zero in the Mapped Count column. To delete an asset:

  1. Click on Content and select Assets.
  2. Sort the Mapping Count column by clicking on it to bring all the zeros to the top of the list.
  3. Click the X to the right of the asset for any asset with a zero in the Mapping Count column.