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MKT/574: Marketing: Social, Mobile, and Analytics

Your Assignment

Before you jump into one of the databases, take some time to do some preliminary research regarding your potential company. The work you do now in selecting a company will save you time (and possibly a headache) later.

  1. Review all of the future requirements you’ll need regarding the company you select. For example, in week two, you’ll need to review a company’s annual report. So, make sure that you can find this information on the company you select. (Hint: It’s easier to find information on publicly-held companies versus private companies.)
  2. Start with an industry. If you are interested in a particular industry but don’t have a specific company in mind, review industry reports for lists of significant competitors.
  3. Consider using a company that you've been asked to research at work. The work you do here will have more meaning to you if you can apply it to real situations in your life. Keep in mind - if it's a smaller, private company, you may have difficulty finding financial and other information it is not required to disclose.
  4. Or pick a company that relates to your dream position. Again, you’ll find more meaning in the work if you can apply what you’re learning to your everyday life.
  5. Pick two or three companies to do some preliminary research on. You'll have a higher chance of success if you have a couple of companies in mind before going into the databases.

Need More?

Looking for additional help researching a company? Check out our Get Started with Company Research guide, which provides tips and resources to help jumpstart your research.

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