These instructions are specific to videos from our subscribed databases that require authentication. If you are pulling a video from a database that does not require authentication, please see the YouTube tab and follow those instructions.
These directions are written for Chrome. You may be able to find the same information in other browsers.
Adding videos from library content is more involved since OpenAthens doesn't allow us to embed library content onto any webpage directly. Instead, we create a faux-embedded video, which is to say that it looks like an embedded video, but it's really a set of links out to the video itself. Since this is more complicated than a Vimeo or YouTube video, let's split this up into a few sections.
What's a thumbnail, you ask? It's the image that displays when you land on the video page before the video plays. We use the vendor's thumbnails whenever possible instead of creating our own for a few reasons: it's already available, it ensures our video thumbnail will match the vendor's, and it's typically clearer in quality than what we can create ourselves.
Getting thumbnails for videos differs slightly from vendor to vendor. The example we'll walk through is from Films on Demand, but you'll take similar steps for other vendors.
You'll want to copy the non-proxied link into your Notepad as you'll need it in the next step.