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Conduct a PESTEL Analysis

What is a PESTEL analysis?

A PESTEL analysis reviews external factors of the environment in which the company operates.

  • Political
  • Economic
  • Sociocultural
  • Technological
  • Environmental
  • Legal

You may also see it called a PEST or PESTLE analysis.

  • Consider the relevant internal and external factors. You will want to create a list of internal and external indicators that will likely have the most impact on your business. The importance of each factor may be different for different industries. For example, factors like gas prices and technological innovation may have a more significant impact on the automotive industry than on the financial services industry.
  • Look beyond the acronym. Remember that when searching, the PESTEL acronym may not be mentioned directly, but risk factors and elements may be discussed.
  • Expand your sources of information. Library resources like company and industry reports, financial reports, news articles, and SWOT analyses are excellent places to start your research. To get a complete picture of the external environment, you may also want to explore the information provided by trade associations, government agencies, regulatory bodies, and consulting firm reports.

Researching Factors

How do I research political factors?

A political scan identifies political or politically motivated factors that impact an organization. Political factors are the most difficult to predict since they can change regularly. When conducting your research, you'll want to consider:

  • What government policies or political groups could be beneficial or detrimental to the organization's success?
  • What regulations must the company follow, and have they changed in the last five, ten, or twenty years?
  • Is the political environment stable? If not, how might it change?

newsmode Start with newspapers and news sources.

Look for the most current political information and impacts in newspapers and local news sources. Consider adding a geographical location to your search (i.e., United States, Texas, or Europe) to gather country, state, or local information.

lab_profile Review industry and company reports.

Industry and company profiles may offer political insights and will be tailored to specific industries. Most of these reports will offer political analyses at country or regional levels. Because finding these reports can take some effort, we recommend reviewing the specific guides that cover those topics for more detailed steps and resources.

globe Research country reports.

Country reports will provide an overview of political conditions. Please note that these reports are published less frequently than journals and newspapers and will not usually address specific industries.

Search Terms and Sample Searches

Search terms you might want to consider when conducting your research include:

  • activism
  • competition regulation
  • defense policies and spending
  • elections and coalitions
  • employee laws
  • energy policies
  • fiscal policies
  • foreign trade policies, restrictions, and agreements
  • freedom of speech and the press
  • funding grants and initiatives
  • government bureaucracy
  • government policy and subsidiaries
  • labor policies and laws
  • legislation
  • lobbying activity and protests
  • political stability, bureaucracy levels, and corruption
  • regulation
  • tax policies
  • terrorism, war, and other military considerations
  • trade restrictions and tariffs

Here are some sample searches to help give you an idea of how to combine your search terms.

  • "new employment laws" AND "employee handbook" AND "United States"
  • "new employment laws" AND implementation AND "United States"
  • "state tax policies" AND accounting AND healthcare AND California
  • "fiscal policy" AND "health politics" AND China
  • "competition regulation" AND safety AND healthcare

How do I research economic factors?

An economic scan identifies fiscal factors that directly or indirectly impact a company. When conducting your research, you’ll want to consider:

  • Is the economy stable, unstable, or growing for your industry?
  • Are any economic trends or indicators favorable to my organization or sector?
  • How does each economic factor impact our pricing, revenues, and costs?

newsmode Start with newspapers and news sources.

Look for newspapers and journal articles that are written by or cite economists for the most current news.

lab_profile Find industry profiles.

Many industry reports will discuss the relevant PESTLE factors that impact each industry. You will need to scan the report as it may not be labeled with the PESTLE headings.

trending_up Look at data.

Statistical data can provide insights into trends over time. Government agencies regularly collect macroeconomic data as well as data across industries and within specific geographic areas.

Search Terms and Sample Searches

Search terms you might want to consider when conducting your research include:

  • availability of finance/credit
  • commodity and raw materials prices
  • consumer confidence
  • consumer price index
  • cycles and bubbles
  • disposable income of consumers and businesses
  • employment/unemployment rates
  • exchange rates
  • financial markets
  • foreign exchange rates
  • GDP/GNP current and projected economic growth
  • inflation and inflation rates
  • interest rates
  • labor costs
  • property prices
  • savings and investment rates/propensity to spend
  • supply and demand factors
  • taxation
  • wages (both absolute levels and growth rates)

Combine economic factors with industries and geographic locations to start your search.

  • "urban population" AND "inflation rate" AND healthcare AND "United States"
  • "economic growth patterns" AND healthcare AND Europe
  • "unemployment rate" AND healthcare AND "rural towns" AND California
  • "consumer price index" AND healthcare AND service AND "United States"
  • "health economics" AND "health policy" AND "United Kingdom"

How do I research sociocultural factors?

A sociocultural scan identifies social attitudes, behaviors, and trends that impact or drive your organization and target market. When conducting your research, you’ll want to consider:

  • What key influences affect people's attitudes and behavior in ways that might affect my organization or sector?
  • Have you documented changes in how and when your customers purchase your products?
  • Are there changing trends in our market's demographics or population? How best do we serve them?

newsmode Start with newspapers and news sources.

Documentation of changes in socio-cultural factors can be found in newspapers and journals. These resources will usually provide statistics or an analysis of data trends. They will interpret what the data means about a consumer group or industry.

lab_profile Review industry and country reports.

Industry reports also provide the context of changes in sociocultural factors, providing statistics and analysis of data trends.

trending_up Look at data.

The data collected by private researchers and the government comprises raw numbers with many variables. This data can then be analyzed using statistical procedures.

Search Terms and Sample Searches

Search terms you might want to consider when conducting your research include:

  • attitudes towards lifestyle choices, saving and investing, green or ecological products
  • attitudes towards the government, business, equality, and diversity
  • career choices and attitudes
  • crime
  • cultural trends
  • customer preferences and buying trends
  • demographics like population growth, population age distribution, birth, and death rates
  • education, income levels, health consciousness, and social mobility
  • ethnic and religious views and norms
  • ethnic, racial, religious, language, and gender groups
  • family size and dynamics
  • fashion trends and fads
  • health and health consciousness
  • industrial reviews and consumer confidence
  • leisure activities and lifestyles
  • living standards
  • media attitudes, public opinion, social attitudes, and cultural taboos
  • organizational image
  • population employment patterns and attitudes to work, career, flexibility, leisure, and retirement
  • population growth rate and age profile
  • wealth distribution

Combine sociocultural factors with industries and geographic locations to start your search.

  • "education requirements" AND (shift OR change) AND healthcare
  • (attitude OR opinion) AND "continuing education" AND healthcare AND "United States"
  • career AND (change OR exploration) AND "healthcare organizations"
  • "population growth" AND employment AND "healthcare" AND "United States"

How do I research technological factors?

A technological scan identifies technological innovations that may impact a company's operations. When conducting your research, you'll want to consider:

  • What new technology is available that could streamline decision-making and product development?
  • How much does emerging technology impact your organization?
  • Which technologies are becoming redundant, the decline of which might pose a threat to my organization or sector?

newsmode Start with newspapers and news sources.

Newspapers and technology journals offer updates on current technological events and changes that impact your industry.

lab_profile Review reports and patents.

Reports can help you understand the technologies influencing your market and industry, while patents can provide information on inventions and applications related to your industry.

lab_profile Find industry profiles.

Many industry reports will discuss the relevant PESTLE factors that impact each industry. However, you will have to scan the report as it may not be labeled with the PESTLE headings.

Search Terms and Sample Searches

Search terms you might want to consider when conducting your research include:

  • automation
  • communications infrastructure
  • consumer access to technology
  • copyright or patent protection for intellectual property (IP) and their efficacy
  • digital and mobile technologies
  • distributing goods and services
  • emerging or disruptive technologies
  • government actions
  • increased training required to use new technologies
  • manufacturing processes and tools
  • new data and information practices
  • patent and copyright laws
  • producing goods and services
  • research and development activity
  • target market communication
  • technological awareness and proficiency
  • technological lifecycle including maturity and obsolescence
  • technology and communication infrastructure
  • the Internet of Things (IoT)

Combine technological factors with industries and geographic locations to start your search.

  • innovation AND technology AND healthcare AND "United States"
  • "technology incentives" AND healthcare
  • healthcare AND "tech savvy" AND patients
  • "automated processes" AND technology AND healthcare

How do I research environmental factors?

An environmental scan identifies forces that are determined by, or influence, the surrounding area where the company is located or operates. When conducting your research, you'll want to consider:

  • How is the physical environment changing, and how will this impact the organization?
  • What environmental factors are impacting us right now? In the future?
  • What environmental factors do we need to monitor?

newsmode Start with newspapers and news sources.

Start researching environmental factors that impact your organization and industry in newspapers and journals covering environmental issues. You can use these articles to locate relevant reports and new data published by government agencies and organizations.

groups Review government resources.

Government resources can provide information about what's going on with environmental issues at a federal level that could affect your business environment and customer needs.

lab_profile Find industry profiles.

Many industry reports will discuss the relevant PESTLE factors that impact each industry. You will need to scan the report as it may not be labeled with the PESTLE headings.

Search Terms and Sample Searches

Search terms you might want to consider when conducting your research include:

  • attitudes toward and demand for "green" products
  • carbon emissions and pollution
  • carbon footprint
  • climate and weather
  • environmental legislation
  • environmental offsets
  • ethical sourcing
  • geographic location and accessibility
  • natural disasters
  • pollution and greenhouse gas emissions
  • positive business ethics and sustainability
  • renewable energy attitudes
  • renewable energy, waste management, and recycling
  • sustainability
  • regulation
  • the availability of raw materials
  • waste management
  • weather and natural disasters

Here are some sample searches to help give you an idea of how to combine your search terms.

  • "sustainable practices" AND healthcare organizations
  • healthcare AND "environmental concerns" AND risks
  • "consumer demand" AND regulations AND "ethical sourcing"
  • "carbon emissions" AND attitudes AND "healthcare systems"

How do I research legal factors?

A legal scan identifies applicable laws and regulations your company and industry must abide by. When conducting your research, you'll want to consider:

  • How might new legislation impact our organization's processes or ability to operate in a particular region or location?
  • What changes would we need to make to our policies or operations to ensure compliance with regulations?
  • What consumer protections do we need to put in place?

newsmode Start with newspapers and news sources.

Legal news and publications can provide information on the current and emerging legal issues and trends that affect your business environment and strategy.

groups Review government resources.

Legal factors may overlap with political factors, but they focus more on the laws and regulations that govern an industry. Explore legal databases and websites for the legislation, case law, and interpretations of the laws and regulations that apply to your industry and market.

lab_profile Find industry profiles and environmental reports.

Many industry reports will discuss the relevant PESTLE factors that impact each industry. You will need to scan the report as it may not be labeled with the PESTLE headings.

Search Terms and Sample Searches

Search terms you might want to consider when conducting your research include:

  • anti-trust laws and regulations
  • competitive regulations
  • consumer rights and laws
  • employment laws and regulations
  • environmental regulations
  • health and safety regulations
  • industry regulations
  • minimum wage
  • patent infringements
  • product safety laws
  • trademark and copyright laws
  • zoning regulations

Here are some sample searches to help give you an idea of how to combine your search terms.

  • "legal developments" AND "health and safety" AND healthcare
  • "healthcare" AND regulations AND statute
  • legislation AND "patent infringement" AND healthcare
  • "consumer rights" AND (law OR regulation) AND "healthcare industry"
  • "health law" AND regulation