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Librarian Web Permissions SOP

The Website Permission Request

Content added into courses (textbooks, learning tools, library articles, etc.) is included in every Asana course project. Library content and website links are requested via a task in each project. A website request is completed for each link to be added to the course, with the exception of multiple links from the same domain. The library is responsible for ensuring that UOPX does not violate any copyright restrictions that apply to the content by adding the link to its courses.

Below are the descriptions of the fields used in the website permission request. The requester completes the first part of the request. The librarian completes the remaining sections. If any parts of the requester section of the form are left empty, please contact the requester (using the @requester name in the comments sections) to complete the request.

Requester Fields

Requesters are asked to fill in all of the fields above the Permission Status field. Select Details (next to the ticket name) to open it.

  • Task Name 
    • The task name should include the Website - or Video - at the beginning, followed by the domain name: and, if applicable, the page/content name. These details may need to be added to the task name. You can replace headings like "web permission" or "permission request" with the website or video title.
    • Remember: These tasks cross projects, so IDs may also add the other terms, like the course name/ID, at the beginning of the name to provide context in their projects. You should leave those. The purpose of adding the other information is to effectively search for these terms in the future.
      • e.g., Website - Value Penguin: Can You Use Health Insurance in a Car Accident?
  • Assignee
    • The librarian claims the request at the beginning of the review. 
    • Exception: PD/SBL has an assigned librarian. Tasks assigned to that librarian should be left to them.
  • Due Date 
    • We need to have this information to prioritize the permission requests. Due dates are required before a review commences. The librarian may need to adjust the due date to reflect staffing and potential written permission delays (see FAQ below for additional information).
  • Projects 
    • All requests will display the Content: External Website (Permissions) project. There will also be a corresponding course or project listed. If you click on the project from which the request originated, it will take you to that task, and you can view the project details, which may help determine if there is enough time to initiate a written request if needed.
    • Note: Any requests that display the Professional Development (SBL) Content project are to be assigned to Holly. 
  • Dependencies Ignore
  • Tags
    • Occasionally we need to break out special projects from the regular requests. Select Tab T to add the Tag field. e.g., PD/SBL, Embedding, Embedding Not Allowed. 
  • Exists in DB?
    • The requester should have checked the External Websites: Permissions Database to determine if the website has previously been reviewed and verify if any conditions exist for linking to it. 
    • If this section is empty, check the database and include a reminder in the comments.
      • e.g., @requester, this is in the database and allowed/not allowed. Going forward, can you please be sure to check the External Websites: Permissions Database prior to submitting permission requests and adjust the "Exists in DB" and "DB Record Links" fields accordingly? Having those fields filled out accurately allows us to process requests more efficiently.
  • DB Record Link
    • If the website is in the database, add the task link from the database to this field if it has not already been added (see FAQ below for additional information).
  • URL (one per request) 
    • The https//: is needed in front of the address to make the page linkable from Asana. Additional pages from the same website only may be included in the Description field. 
    • If the requester has included unrelated websites in the same task, they will be asked to resubmit them as individual requests.
      • e.g., Hi @requester, these appear to be different websites. We need to track each site separately. Please resubmit each unique website as one request. Multiple pages from the same domain can be submitted together, provided any videos have been checked for cc and transcripts. 
    • Important: Does the link start with https:\\? If there is no "s" at the end of the http, the student may receive security warnings and browser errors when they attempt to access this site. Unsecured links are disqualifiers.
      • Hi @requester, this website uses http:\\, which is less secure than one with the https:\\. As a result, the students may receive security warnings and browser errors and may choose not to access this site.
  • Content Type 
    • This field acts as an indicator of potential copyright issues/requirements.
  • Both CC & Transcript 
    • Videos need both CC and transcript; audio files need a transcript.
  • Integral to the course? 
    • If this is marked Yes, a written request will be necessary unless the TOU or copyright language allows for linking.

Librarian Fields

  • Assignee 
    • Assign your name to the ticket (this shows it is claimed and prevents duplicating work).
  • Permission Status 
    • This field will change as the request is moved through the process.
      • Not Started: The requester has submitted the website permission request (default for new requests).
      • Pending Research: In the research process
      • Pending Librarian Review: Use this for tasks with questions/concerns and need a second opinion. Use the comment section to alert the reviewer. 
        • e.g., @Kristina Green, the TOU appears to give conflicting restrictions. Please review.
      • Pending Requester Feedback: Use this status when you need more information from, or have a question for the requester.
      • Pending Written Permission: A written request has been sent to the website owner. Upload a copy of the request message to SharePoint.
      • Pending Legal/Accessibility Review: The UOPX legal or accessibility department is reviewing the request.
      • Pending Database Update: The request has been researched, and the outcome is decided. Government sites and sites that are in the database and whose terms or allowability has not changed can skip this status.
      • Complete: Use this status to close out a request. Do not “complete” the request using the Complete button at the top of the task.
      • ON HOLD: This status is occasionally used by the PM.
  • Host Owns Content 
    • Does the website owner own the content? The website is not always the content owner. Some authors retain copyright for their articles or blog posts. If it is a YouTube video, the content is owned by the poster or third-party copyright holder, not YouTube. You must check for any copyright or website use restrictions on the poster's website or, if you are looking at a PDF, check for other copyright notices on the document that indicates ownership.  
  • Content Owner 
    • In most cases, this will be the domain name of the website. However, if the copyright notice on the page lists another name (like in the case of a parent company), use that. 
    • The address of the TOU page. If there is no TOU, enter No TOU. If the content/website has a Creative Commons license posted, enter that. 
  • Outcome
    • This field will be the last field to be selected.
      • Pending: Waiting on a written request or more information before a decision can be made.
      • Allowed: The website can be used without restrictions.
      • Allowed w/ Conditions: There are restrictions on using this website (i.e., usage is restricted to a specific page, or attribution must be applied to content). Make sure the conditions are identified to the requester in the comments section.
      • Not Allowed: The website cannot be used.
      • Not Allowed: Exists in the Library: The content (usually an article) is available in the library and the requester is told to add the library link provided by the librarian to their LRR build request.
      • Not Allowed: No Response: Legal has determined that no response to a written request is considered a denial
      • EXCEPTION: see notes: An exception has been made to use the website. Any time this is used, an explanation must be entered in the comments section of the request.
  • READ Scale
    • The READ scale is an evaluation of effort. Use the Permission READ Scale guide for descriptions and examples of the effort levels. 
  • Source
    • The source is the department or contractor company from which the request originated.
  • Time Spent
    • Time is entered in quarter-hour increments. The minimum amount of time is always 0.25.
  • Special Project?
    • A designation that a project manager will assign to distinguish projects outside of daily work or those that need special distinction.
  • Contact Req’d?
    • Select whether permission was required (for linking or embedding, and whether multiple attempts were required).
  • Alternative?
    • Select whether the alternative content was suggested and the reason or location for the alternative content.
  • Notes
    • This is a field that is only viewable to library staff. Note any quality issues or other factors regarding the requested website. 
  • Issues
    • This is a field that is only viewable to library staff. Note any issues or concerns that impacted evaluating or closing the request.
  • Original Due Date
    • If the due date needs to be adjusted, enter the original due date in this field.