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Librarian Web Permissions SOP

Linking Overview

The guidelines presented here are for linking only to external content from a website within a course. Content requested through this process cannot be framed, embedded, copied, or downloaded into the course without permission from the copyright holder.

"Content" and "external website" in this context refers to learning material not owned by UOPX, a learning tool, or found within the library.

The Process

An external website's copyright and terms of use must be reviewed before placing links to it into the curriculum.

Below are the basic steps that must be taken to verify whether a link is allowed. As with most things, there are always exceptions and conditions. 

  1. Open an unassigned request from the Not Started section in the Content: External Websites (Permissions) queue and assign it to yourself.
  2. If there are blank fields above the Library Only designation, reach out to the requester to complete the fields.
  3. Check the Website Disqualifiers to see if the link has any conditions that would disqualify content from being used in a course.
  4. Check the External Websites: Permissions Database to determine if the website/content has already been reviewed (see FAQ below).
  5. Check the Content: External Websites (Permissions) queue to ensure there isn't an outstanding written request.
  6. Check the request to see if the content is integral to the course. A link is integral to the course, assignment, or learning object if it is tied to a graded activity and its removal alters the course enough to require a revision. If the link is integral to the course, written approval may be necessary.
  7. Check the content for any Creative Commons licenses or other copyright notices.
  8. Determine if the link retrieves content in the public domain (this includes most government websites).
  9. Locate any terms of use or copyright restrictions on the content website.
  10. Request Written Permission through the library inbox, if necessary. 
  11. Complete the request fields and update the requester with the decision.
  12. If written permission was requested, upload email request and response to the designated folders on SharePoint.

Linking Resources