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Find a Specific Article, Book, or Publication

Are you looking for a specific article, book, or publication for your class and don't know how to get started? Follow these tips to find these in the library!

Library Search

One of the quickest ways to find publications is through the library search box on the home page or the Search option in the menu.

  1. In the search box, enter one of these:
    1. article title
    2. journal name
    3. book chapter title
    4. book title
    5. DOI
  2. Hit Enter on your keyboard or click the Search button.
  3. Locate the article or book in the results list and compare it to the citation you already have to ensure it is the correct publication.
  4. If the full text is available through the University Library, you will see options to view the item beneath the result. If you are not taken directly to the full text of the publication, you may see an intermediary page with links to access the full text.

Publications Search

Try the Publications search if you can't find what you're looking for in the library search. The Publications search can be accessed from the home page or on the menu under Find. Please note that finding your specific article, journal, or book differs slightly between databases.

  1. In the search box, enter one of these:
    1. journal name
    2. ISSN
    3. book title
    4. ISBN
  2. Hit Enter on your keyboard or click the Search button.
  3. Follow the database links in the results to locate the article, journal issue, book, or chapter you're looking for. Pay attention to the dates next to each link to ensure you select an option containing the item you want.

Library Hacks

  • If you are searching for a book, leave off the initial article (example: the, a, etc.) to ensure you don't include a word that isn't part of the formal title.
  • In the Publications search, you can select your title as it appears in the auto-fill drop-down.


DOI: Digital object identifier - A unique alphanumeric string assigned to scholarly journal articles and some scholarly books. DOIs were created to ensure that even if the internet location of an item changes over time, it can still be easily found.

ISBN: International Standard Book Number - A unique identifier associated with a book. Note that each edition of a book is assigned a unique ISBN and that each format a book is published in (hardcover, paperback, ebook) will have a unique ISBN. For this reason, you may consider trying a title or keyword search if your ISBN search yields no results.

ISSN: International Standard Serial Number - A unique identifier associated with a journal name. ISSNs are especially useful when two or more journals have very similar names. Library databases typically include a journal's ISSN somewhere in the article record.

Learn how to find a specific article with a home page search or an entire journal with a publications page search.

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