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The Judicial Branch interprets the meaning of laws, applies laws to individual cases, and decides if laws violate the Constitution. The Judicial Branch is comprised of the Supreme Court and other federal courts.

Recommended Resources

Supreme Court Decisions on the Web

Searching for Court Case Information

In addition to the actual cases, you may want to find information about cases that have been published in journals, law reviews, magazines or newspapers. Note: Coverage in these publications may be just about the case and not include the actual court decision.

Search Tips

  • Don't use v. or vs. because you never know which one was used and whether it was used with or without a period.
  • For more general information, you can search by company name or person with these two broader terms.

    xxxx AND lawsuits
    xxxx AND litigation


Sample Searches

Smith AND Jones AND court

Smith AND Jones AND court case

"americans with disabilities act" AND education AND (lawsuit OR "court decision")

"school violence" AND "united states" AND (court OR judgment OR verdict)

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