This video identifies the DSM-IV-TR primary and secondary symptoms of acute and post-traumatic stress disorders, and covers risk factors, diagnostic challenges, and treatments. Dramatic reenactments of therapy sessions allow viewers to grasp the personal experience behind clinical definitions of depersonalization, derealization, and other dissociative states.
Until the 1980s people who worried intensely about a wide range of issues were simply deemed “neurotic.” This program examines the DSM-IV-TR criteria now used to diagnose and treat the condition of generalized anxiety disorder.
Tara DeWitt works with Robert who is concerned about his increased drinking following a recent incident at a wedding where his behavior became disorderly. Robert is seeking help because he knows he has a problem but is ambivalent about changing his behavior.
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Use the DSM Library to access the DSM-5-TR, as well as other psychiatry-focused books and journals. The DSM is a critical resource for clinical practice used by health professionals, social workers, and forensic and legal specialists to diagnose and classify mental disorders.