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Pulling Usage from Salesforce

  1. Go to Salesforce and login with your network / computer username and password. Please note that you need to be granted specific access to both Salesforce and the library queue in Salesforce. This is done through a CAP request submitted by your manager or supervisor.
  2. Select Reports from the drop down on the left-hand side of the page, if not already selected.
    Salesforce reports
  3. Click on the title of the report you want to view (i.e., Library Tickets).
  4. Under the Range section, select Closed Date in the Date Field drop down if not already selected and change the From and To fields to the dates of the timeframe you want to view.
    Salesforce selections
  5. Click Run Report.
  6. The amount for the timeframe will be totaled at the bottom of the screen.
    Ticket totals