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Correcting Email Addresses in LibAnswers

Correcting Email Addresses in LibAnswers

On occasion, users will input an incorrect email address.

To fix an incorrect email address:

  1. In the ticket, click on the gear icon ().
  2. Click Edit.
  3. In the pop-up that opens, correct the email address in the Email field.
  4. Click Edit Question to save your change(s).

Fixing Email Addresses Reported as Errors

While you may catch an incorrect email address before sending a response to a ticket, incorrect emails are typically returned to us as Errors in LibAnswers. If you are unsure of that student's correct address or the error isn't clear, ask Mike to look up the student's email address.

Errors will be indicated by a number next to the Errors tab in the LibAnswers dashboard.

To resolve incorrect emails:

  1. Open the errors tab to see the ticket information. In this example, a quick scan of the information shows an incorrect email address.
  2. Next, click on the Ticket ID to open the ticket. Once in the original ticket, click on the lowercase letter i next to the requestor's name.
  3. This will open the details about the Questioner Information where you can correct the email address. Do this by clicking on the pencil edit icon at the top right.
  4. In this example, there is a period missing between the words email and phoenix. Make the necessary changes and close out the edit box.
  5. Click on the gear icon in the top right and select Resend.
  6. Check the email address in this box. If the email address is still incorrect, add it in the box below.
  7. After you have corrected the email, click on the Add Email button.
  8. Click on the black circle X next to the incorrect address to remove it so the reply does not get sent to the incorrect address again.
  9. Click on the blue Resend Email button.
  10. Once you have resent the email, go into the Errors tab and delete the errors by checking the boxes next to the errors and clicking on Delete Selected.