The library search box and EBSCOhost look and function similarly. The library search box is a powerful tool that allows you to search multiple library collections simultaneously. It's designed to be easy to use and covers a lot of research ground at once.
EBSCOhost is one of the library's most popular databases. It's appropriate for researchers of all levels and contains information for almost every discipline and topic. Its scope, however, is limited to select databases administered by EBSCOhost, whereas the library search box covers databases from multiple vendors.
Your initial search will return full-text results. You can use additional limiters to limit your results to peer-reviewed materials, specific subject terms, and date ranges. You can also deselect the full-text limiter to include resources with the terms you are looking for but that may not be available in our library.
While the library search box searches many databases simultaneously, it doesn't search the entire library. Some items that are more difficult to locate or aren't available in the search include:
For those items, we recommend using the All Subjects or All Types filter on the Research Databases page to identify appropriate databases that contain those materials.
If you need assistance finding an appropriate database for your topic or have any questions about using the library search, please submit your question through our Ask Us! form.