Before reporting a problem to the tech team or a manager, you'll want to do some basic troubleshooting.
Salesforce tickets, also known as HEAT tickets, should be checked daily. Access to Salesforce needs to be requested by your manager.
Please note that you need to be in the office or logged into VPN to access Salesforce.
These IPs may need to be added to a vendor if we need to be IP authenticated to access the vendor's administrative site. These cover our office IPs.
This visualization doesn't represent every step in the authentication process. It provides a basic overview of how OpenAthens works and serves as a reference for all the systems involved in the process.
Student support can be contacted when we need them to reach out to a student who is experiencing technical issues we cannot resolve or properly troubleshoot.
When there is a major technical issue (such as a database outage), the following should be contacted at the beginning and end of the issue: