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Troubleshooting / Technical Information

Before You Panic - Troubleshooting 101

Before reporting a problem to the tech team or a manager, you'll want to do some basic troubleshooting.

  1. Clear your cache and cookies.
    - OR -
    Open an incognito browser.
    - OR -
    Open a different browser that you haven't encountered the issue on.
  2. Try to recreate the problem.
  3. If you can't recreate the problem, restart your computer, especially if you haven't restarted recently.
  4. Repeat step one again to make sure you're testing with a fresh browser.
  5. Try to recreate the problem.
  6. If you can recreate the problem in one or more of these scenarios, it's likely real and needs attention. If you cannot recreate the problem in any of these scenarios, it's likely a problem with your current browser session, and you'll want to clear your cache and cookies and restart your browser.

Salesforce (HEAT Tickets)

Salesforce tickets, also known as HEAT tickets, should be checked daily. Access to Salesforce needs to be requested by your manager.

Please note that you need to be in the office or logged into VPN to access Salesforce.

  1. Upon logging into Salesforce, navigate to the Cases page and the TACInstructLibrary queue if you do not see it open automatically. If you do not have significant permissions to access this queue, please contact technical support.
  2. You will see all tickets assigned to the library queue on the screen. To open a ticket, click on the case number or subject.
  3. Scroll to the Caller Information and Case Information sections. These sections will usually contain the information you need to determine the problem that’s being reported.
  4. Once you have resolved the issue or need to make a note on the ticket, scroll to the Case Comments section and click New.
  5. Enter your comment on the screen that appears and click Save to add your comment to the case.
  6. The support team will contact the student / faculty member for resolution or more information. If you need more information on the ticket, the ticket should be sent back to support so they can reach out to the student / faculty member. If the resolution of the issue is going to take more than a day or two, the ticket should be sent back to support so they can let the student / faculty member know. Support will send the ticket back once they have contacted the student / faculty member.

    To send the ticket to the support team, scroll to the System Information section. Click Change in the Case Owner field.
  7. Select Queue in the drop-down menu and enter L2 Queue in the field next it. The entry must be exact if typed in. You can also use the lookup option next to the field to find the queue.
  8. Click Save. This sends the ticket to the support team.
  9. To return to the TACInstructLibrary queue, click the X at the ticket’s tab near the top of the page. You may need to hover to get the X to appear.
  10. To refresh the queue to view what tickets are currently assigned to the queue, click the Refresh button.


IP Address
Entity ID
Athens ID

Additional IPs

These IPs may need to be added to a vendor if we need to be IP authenticated to access the vendor's administrative site. These cover our office IPs.

Authentication Process

This visualization doesn't represent every step in the authentication process. It provides a basic overview of how OpenAthens works and serves as a reference for all the systems involved in the process.

Student Support Contact

Student support can be contacted when we need them to reach out to a student who is experiencing technical issues we cannot resolve or properly troubleshoot.

Internal Contacts for Outages & Issues

When there is a major technical issue (such as a database outage), the following should be contacted at the beginning and end of the issue:

  • Amelia Gates
  • Georgena Claw
  • Jason Nelson
  • Jennifer Alfrey
  • Joni Iglinski
  • Joyce Shrewsbury
  • Kristopher Kelly
  • Library Staff
  • Michael Madril
  • Stefanie Lassitter
  • Tabitha Cornwell
  • TAC Escalation