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UpToDate Toolkit

UpToDate is ideal for nurses and medical professionals who work in clinical settings. It specializes in providing evidence-based, clinical guidance and is regularly used in medical settings as a decision-support tool. It's authored by clinicians to provide current information and best practices.


How to Use UpToDate

Learn about UpToDate features, including bookmarks, a history of previously read content, and tracking frequently visited topics.
Learn about UpToDate's search, which allows you to search common medical abbreviations, graphics, use filters, and more.

Need more help with UpToDate? Check out their additional training videos.

Go Mobile! Logging Into the UpToDate App

The UpToDate mobile app is great when you need to get clinical, evidence-based medical information on the go. To login to UpToDate using your university credentials:

  1. Download the UpToDate mobile app to your device from your device's app store. Please review UpToDate's mobile information for currently supported devices.
  1. On the login screen, click the OpenAthens link under Log in using your institution.
  2. In the Find your institution search box, enter University of Phoenix, and press the search or return key. Depending on your device, the list may start to auto-populate as you type.
  3. Click the University of Phoenix link that returns.
  4. In the login screen that appears, enter the credentials you use to access your student or faculty portal.
  5. If you have not previously completed the UpToDate account registration form, you will be prompted to do so at this stage. Enter the requested information in the appropriate and click Submit Registration. *
  6. You may be prompted to accept or decline a Subscription and License Agreement. **
  7. Once you are past the agreement, you should have access to the app. ***

* You must fill out the form to use UpToDate through the university. Please see the Wolter Kluwer Privacy & Cookie Notice for details on how your information is used.

** Declining this agreement may deny your access to the app.
*** Please note that you may occasionally receive notices from UpToDate requesting that you re-authorize your account if you have not logged in for a certain number of days. Logging in to the database through the library or the app will typically re-authorize your account.

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