illustration of a book illustration of haunted house and ghostHalloween falls on a Tuesday this year, which means you're probably busy with the daily grind, getting work done, getting dinner together, and you know, living your Tuesday life. We want to offer a little treat to help you get into the Halloween spirit. Check out our collection of Two-Sentence Horror Stories written by University of Phoenix students and staff!

Peruse these chilling tales for a microdose of Halloween fun. And we're giving extra props to those of you who wrote the stories from your own imagination! You don't need AI to be spooky! (I'm not in that group; I used ChatGPT to help with mine.) Stories are listed in alphabetical order by the author's first name, and some stories have been edited for clarity.

Carla Smith with AI assistance, Staff:

As I explored the abandoned library's dimly lit aisles, I stumbled upon a book that bore my name on the cover, its pages filled with the stories of my deepest, darkest secrets. A hushed whisper from the shadows revealed, "The library remembers everything, and now it knows you too."

I was alone in the silent library, the only sound the soft shuffle of pages, when I heard a blood-curdling scream from a bookshelf, followed by a sinister whisper, "You should have left when you had the chance."

In the dim, dusty corners of the old library, I found a tome bound in human skin, its pages filled with the anguished screams of those who dared read it before. As I closed the book, a ghostly hand emerged from its pages, reaching for my throat, hungry for the next reader.

Faith Nyamohanga, Student:

It was a pitch dark and very chilly Friday night when you decided to get ready to go to the club to unwind with your friends. As you were putting mascara onto your lashes, you accidentally poked yourself in the eye...

Hayley Carter, Student:

It was a calm but stormy night, and the rafters were shaking the house. A transparent, meek being of a young age was walking along the corridor waiting for someone to come play with him. Everything in the house stood still when all of a sudden, the door slammed open to a child with fangs and an orange pumpkin pail. Stepping into the house, they faded away, never to be seen again. The transparent being got his wish for a friend for eternity.

illustration of bookshelves with spiderwebsHolly Stevens with AI assistance, Staff:

As I reached for a dusty book on the library shelf, a cold, skeletal hand emerged from between the pages and grabbed my wrist, pulling me into the darkness of the ancient tome, where I heard the whispers of countless lost souls. The librarian, oblivious to my disappearance, continued to shelve books, each one now containing a piece of my tormented soul.

Julia Reed with AI assistance, Staff:

As I entered the dimly lit library, I noticed a book that seemed to call my name from a dusty shelf. When I opened it, the pages were filled with my own thoughts and fears, written in my handwriting, ending with a message: "You're not alone in here."

Lily Gautro, Student:

It was nighttime, and someone giggled in the library's children's department. I went to look, but no one was there. I went back to studying and heard a giggle once again. I went to look, saw a creepy person, and ran for my life.

PJ Purchase, Staff:

As I passed the mirror, I stopped to notice a man with a big white beard staring back at me, his eyes devoid of recognition. When I turned around, no one was there, just the chilling sensation of icy breath on my neck.

The cat had an unnerving habit of staring at the corner of my room every night, hissing and arching its back as if something sinister was about. One evening, I finally dared to investigate; as I shined my flashlight into the darkness, I saw the cat's shadow and heard it whisper, "Run while you still can."

illustration of a cat on a bookshelfNicole Tassinari, Staff:

Amazon Alexa emailed him a list of funeral homes two days before his wife died unexpectedly. Today, Amazon delivered an empty urn with his name and tomorrow's date engraved on it.

Nicole Tassinari with AI assistance, Staff:

A blood-curdling scream suddenly pierced the library's hushed atmosphere, echoing through the stacks like a lost soul. I turned the corner, expecting to see a patron in distress, but all I found was a bookshelf filled with blank books.

Tameka Brodie, Student:

You awake to the sun peeping through the blinds upon your face; feeling a sticky sensation upon your hands, you remove the covers to find you are covered in blood. You realize you are not in bed; you're in the library, covered by blood and a stranger's Letterman Jacket.

Timeka Gillard, Student:

It was a dark and rainy morning in October, and I was excited that my concept paper was 95 percent done and submitted to Tk20. Then the buzzer went off, and it was time to wake up.

Now that we have you hooked, check out 150+ Short Two-Sentence Horror Stories To Freak You Out for more creepy tales.


Julia ReedJulia Reed is the systems librarian and focuses on technology development and maintenance. In her free time, she’s into graphic design, photography, and spending time outdoors.