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SWRK/320: Social Welfare Policy and the Law

Week 4: Assignment Tips

Continuing with using homelessness as an example, provided below are the Library database and search strategies to assist you in researching advocacy issues and your policies. Keep in mind that the Advanced Search link can help modify and narrow your search.

homeless* AND "advocacy group*"

homeless* AND (voucher* OR subsid*) AND advocacy

homeless* AND "political action"

homeless* AND "social action"

homeless* AND advocacy AND (challenge OR opposition)

homeless* AND characteristics

homeless* AND "risk factors"

homeless* AND "socioeconomic factors"

homeless* AND (issue OR concern OR consideration)

homeless* AND  "social policy" AND (histor* OR trend)

homeless* AND  "economic policy"  AND (histor* OR trend)

homeless* AND  "political policy"  AND (histor* OR trend)

Week 4: Multimedia

a person writing
This video covers the steps that bill goes through to become a law.
woman speaking
Maria Deveson-Crabbe, CEO of Marie Stopes International Australia, explains how to effectively lobby for change. Topics include preparing to lobby, overcoming challenges, achieving through persistence and approaching success.
woman speaking
Knowledgeable veteran social workers share their insights and experiences in candid discussions about their life’s work.