Welcome to MGT/526! We've structured your weekly library pages to cover what's required for your course and included extras like research tips and things to consider to help you plan and conduct your research more efficiently. While the extras are optional, these sections are designed to help alleviate some of the issues you might encounter and set you up for success later in this course and throughout your program.
Before you jump into one of the databases, take some time to do some preliminary research regarding your potential company. The work you do now in selecting a company will save you time (and possibly a headache) later.
Can't find a SWOT analysis for the company you want to research? Check out our guide on SWOT analyses for more guidance and research tips on researching and creating your own SWOT analysis.
Absolutely stuck trying to find a SWOT analysis? Ask us!
Our team of research librarians will work with you to identify specific resources and search techniques to help you find the analysis you need and keep you moving forward.